Friends, today we read the magnificent story from John’s Gospel about the woman at the well. The image of thirst is used throughout the Bible to speak of the human longing for God. At the height of the heat of the day, Jesus asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. We are on very holy ground for the whole of salvation is summed up here: our thirst for God meets God’s even more dramatic thirst for us. Augustine picked up on this in his commentary on the passage: “Jesus was thirsty for the woman’s faith.” At first, of course, the woman is put off. How could this Jewish man be asking me for a drink? Translate this into spiritual language: how could almighty God be thirsty for my faith and my attention? Jesus’ answer is magnificent: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst.” We are built for union with God, and therefore we thirst for God with an infinite desire. What Jesus offers her is the life of grace, the divine life, God’s own self. That’s the only energy that can ever satisfy our infinite longing. -- Bishop Barron
I'm just home from a silent retreat. From Friday afternoon to Sunday noon we shared silence at the El Carmelo Retreat house in nearby Redlands. It was a moving and deep experience. Being silent for all those hours brought Jesus closer, and He wrapped us in a stillness and comfort that we all needed. There were 37 of us all seeking solace from our busy lives for a little while. It was very refreshing. I was going to show you photos but my cell phone is acting up. Here's a view from their website out from the patio near the cafeteria -those orange trees in the forefront are in full bloom so we were immersed in the wonderful citrus perfume:
On the sewing front: +3.89 destashed YTD: 35.98 yds
The cats are back to one piece again.

I was going to add another border, but finally decided any I picked would detract from the cute kitties. I'm thinking of quilting motifs right now, and the spontaneous construction is calling to me again.
Just before I went on retreat I sandwiched the cats and Nearly Insane #2 for a baby. I even started quilting it.
I chose a motif from the fabric and added leaves to use in the large triangles.
Doing the last of the flowers now. Then I'll meander the border.
I feel energized to continue my Lenten practices for the remaining half of the season. Until next Sunday, blessings to all my readers and commentators.
I so admire that you could do a silent retreat it seems to have been both rewarding and refreshing for you. Cats look so 3D lovely
ReplyDeleteThanks for your piece about the woman at the well. It was good reading. Lovely to hear of your silent retreat. My good friend Jeannette dors them regularly. Great progress on the quilting front. Hugs Clare
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your 'silent retreat' time away. I have done several of these - alone. Usually find a bed & breakfast an hour or so away from home. I take Bible, journals, music, and a favorite author - usually Henri Nouwen. Wonderful time being silent - away from the world noise, media, tv, etc. This is a very important part of developing 'listening'time with God. Also love your kitty in the window blocks. I have lots of cat-prints - waiting for just the right quilt pattern.
ReplyDeleteHello Angie,
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you have managed to get away on a retreat. The smell of orange blossom must have added an extra level of calm.
I love the flowers quilting. It is always handy to have a fabric print that gives a bit of inspiration.
Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!
Love, Muv